/ 19 Mar 2015

Battersea Arts Centre – The Show Will Go On

It was with great sadness that we watched plumes of smoke coming from Battersea Arts Centre on the afternoon of 13 March 2015. As a neighbouring business, we were all too aware of the impact that this incident would have upon this much loved venue.

Battersea Arts Centre is an extremely important organisation for the local community and the performing arts in general. The 1893 building is steeped in history. It was formerly Battersea Town Hall, and has hosted many key events such as the memorial service for those that died in the Titanic disaster in 1912. It was transformed into a community arts centre in 1974, and has since housed many ground-breaking productions such as “Gerry Springer: The Opera” and “Punchdrunk’s Masque of the Red Death”.

Hanne & Co has had a long and happy association with Battersea Arts Centre, and held its centenary celebrations at Battersea Arts Centre in 1998. The firm is proud to have sponsored previous theatre productions for the charity in the past, and to have provided its offices for part of the production of “The Good Neighbour”.

We are committed to assisting Battersea Arts Centre with its current challenges in any way that we can. It is a much valued charity, neighbour and local resource, to which we look forward to extending our continued support.

Battersea Arts Centre would like to confirm that it is still open for business as usual, and that the majority of its productions will be running as normal. The theatre’s cafe bar, “Scratch”, is also open for business as usual – so visits to Battersea Arts Centre and its café bar are very much encouraged!

If you would like to support the rebuilding of Battersea Arts Centre, you may make a donation by clicking here

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