Occupational Services
Whether you are a Landlord or Tenant, when an issue arises during your tenancy, you need fast, efficient and reliable advice.
How can we help?
When it comes to occupational services, our Commercial Property team can advise you on a range of issues during your lease to ensure that you are fully informed of your statutory and contractual rights.
Our expert team of commercial property lawyers can help you with the following problems during your commercial lease:
Rent Reviews
Including assistance on rent negotiation, the legitimacy of reviews and the preparation of a Rent Review Memorandum
Security of Tenure
If you have a lease within the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954, we can advise you on the legalities and implications of sending and receiving s.25 notices and s.26 requests.
Licences for Alteration
If you, or your tenant, require any alterations to the premises we can assist in the completion of a Licence for Alterations.
Assignment and Subletting
If you are a tenant and decide that you wish to leave the premises or sublet your interest to another tenant, we can advise on the legalities of the transaction and prepare the necessary documentation. If you are a landlord with a tenant assigning or subletting their leasehold interest, we can ensure that you obtain the necessary security from the incoming tenant or subtenant and your safeguard you legal and financial interests in the process.
Lease renewals and extensions
If, during the term, both parties agree with to extend their relationship by renewing the lease, we can advise on the preparation of a new lease or Renewal Lease ensuring that the terms of your current agreement are adhered to or improved.
Surrender of leasehold interests
If both parties agree to surrender the Lease, we can advise on the legal and financial implication of giving up your interest and handle the transaction on your behalf.
This is a non-exhaustive list of issues dealt with by our team of commercial property solicitors with regard to occupational services. If you encounter any problems during your lease, it is imperative that you seek comprehensive advice from a reliable source immediately.