/ 01 Aug 2019

Divorce in England and Wales (with Japanese translation) イングランド・ウェールズにおける離婚

To obtain a divorce in England and Wales, your marriage must have “irretrievably broken down”. This must be evidenced using one of the following facts:

  1. Unreasonable behaviour
  2. Adultery
  3. 2 years separation (with consent)
  4. 5 years separation (no consent required)
  5. Desertion

The proceedings for a divorce in England and Wales start with the drafting of a petition which is issued at court. Following this, there are 2 stages. The first stage is called “Decree Nisi” and is where the court confirms that it does not see any reason as to why you cannot divorce. The second stage is called “Decree Absolute” and is when the divorce is finalised.

It is often wise to deal with the financial division of assets following divorce at the same time. Each case will be different but the starting point in longer marriages is an equal division of the matrimonial assets. There are, however, many reasons why this may not be appropriate, and we can advise regarding this. The court can also make orders regarding pensions and spousal maintenance. If children matters cannot be agreed between you, the court can also make orders as to who they should live with and how much time they should spend with the other parent.

Please contact us if you would like to arrange an appointment to see one of our solicitors to discuss your matter.

Eri Horrocks – Trainee solicitor in the Family law Department (fluent in Japanese )

イングランドまたはウェールズで離婚を成立させるためには婚姻関係が修復不可能なまでに崩壊した状態にある事(irretrievable breakdown)が条件です。その状態を示すには以下の5つの事実(fact) の内、一つを証明しなければなりません。

  1. 配偶者の理不尽な振舞の事実
  2. 配偶者の不貞行為(浮気)の事実
  3. 2年間の別れ(配偶者の同意有り)
  4. 5年間の別れ(配偶者の同意無し)
  5. 配偶者の遺棄放棄の事実


一つ目のステージは”Decree Nisi”です。”Decree Nisi”では裁判所が離婚手続きを妨げる理由が無いことを確認します。

二つ目のステージは”Decree Absolute”と呼ばれています。これは離婚の最終ステージで離婚はこの段階で正式に成立します。



Eri Horrocks is a trainee solicitor in the Family & Divorce Law Department and is fluent in Japanese

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Call us on +44 20 7228 0017