/ 17 Jan 2025

When to Apply to Discharge a Care Order 

Where a child has been made the subject of a final care order at the conclusion of care proceedings, it is fair to say that many parents who find themselves in such circumstances hope that, one day, the care order will be discharged and if their children are not living in their care, for them to be permitted to return home. Whether that is a realistic prospect will depend on many factors. However, regardless of the specific circumstances of the case, one consideration is universal – in discharge applications, timing is key.

Michele Brown

Partner - Head of Care

Child Care Law

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Applying to Discharge a Care Order: Initial Steps

The local authority is under a statutory duty to keep under review whether children in their care can be returned home to their family. So, the first step to take would be to discuss with the child’s allocated Social Worker whether this is something the local authority would be prepared to consider. If not, then pursuant to Section 39 of the Children Act 1989, a care order may be discharged on the application of; (i) any person who has parental responsibility for the child; (ii) the child themselves; or (iii) the Local Authority designated by the order. Formal permission by the court to make such an application is not required.

Factors the Court Takes Into Account

In determining the application, the court will apply the paramountcy principle of the child’s welfare and have regard to the ‘Welfare Checklist.’ This includes considering any harm the child may have suffered and the ability of the parent to meet their needs in the future. It also takes into account the child’s age, circumstances, and wishes and feelings. In order to succeed in discharging a Care Order, a parent would need to satisfy the court that it is in the child’s best interests to do so. The burden therefore falls on the applicant parent to evidence this to the court. 

Prospects of Success

For there to be any prospect of success, any parent making such an application will need to evidence a change in circumstances different to those at the conclusion of the proceedings and a greater ability to meet the child’s needs than they were found to have in the past. The type of evidence that will be required will vary due to the circumstances of each individual case. However, examples could include sustained abstinence from drug and alcohol use, completion of a therapeutic programme of work, or maintained separation from an abusive ex-partner. 

Timing of the Application

This brings us to the issue of timing. In most cases, it will take some time to evidence the necessary changes which would be required for the application to have any merit. A year may be a reasonable rule of thumb, but there is no set rule, and, in some cases, shorter or longer periods of time may be appropriate. However, parents must keep in mind that short-lived changes will almost certainly not satisfy the court and that the court will want to see a period of sustained change.

Attempts to return the matter back to court too quickly after the care proceedings conclude are likely to result in failure. Although formal permission from the court is not required to apply to discharge a care order, the court may be quick to dismiss an application with little merit at the first hearing, without the need for further assessment or consideration. If a discharge application has been refused, the applicant is then prohibited from making any further applications of this kind for the next six months without first obtaining permission of the court. Even after the six-month period expires, repeat applications are unlikely to be considered favourably by the court, unless made due to exceptional circumstances. 

Although it is important to ensure that the application is not made too quickly, parents should also be wary of the dangers of waiting too long to make the application. In seeking the child’s return, it will often be a feature of the parent’s case that the child is no longer in their care and has not been for some time, whether the removal was made at the conclusion of the care proceedings or at an earlier stage. During this time, the child will often have developed a strong relationship with their carer and settled well into in their placement. The impact on the child of disrupting their placement is commonly raised as a concern by local authorities and guardians, when seeking to argue that it is not in the child’s best interests to return to the parent’s care. The longer the child has been placed with their carer, the greater the impact is likely to be on them to be removed and the harder it may be for a parent to succeed in discharging the care order.

A further concern in waiting too long to make the application is that the parent’s contact with the child may be significantly reduced to prevent the child having as close a relationship with the parent by the time the application is brought. This is particularly true of children who were very young at the time the care order was made. In circumstances where the parent has a very limited relationship with the child, it will make it significantly harder for the discharge application to succeed. When being faced with a significant reduction in contact, this may be an appropriate time to issue the discharge application, together with an application for contact with a child in care. 

Case Law

In Re TT (children) (discharge of care order) [2021] EWCA Civ 742, the Court of Appeal provided the following guidance in respect of discharge applications: 


  • The paramountcy principle under section 1(1) of the Children Act 1989 (ChA 1989) applies, and the welfare checklist as set out in ChA 1989, s 1(3) must be considered and given appropriate weight
  • Any interference with rights under the European Convention on Human Rights must be necessary and proportionate
  • The applicant must make a case for the discharge of the care order by adducing evidence that discharge would be in the best interests of the child
  • The findings of fact that underpinned the original care order will be relevant to the court’s assessment, but the weight to be given will vary in each case
  • The welfare evaluation is made at the time of the decision and the threshold criteria (per ChA 1989, s.31(2)) is of no relevance to an application for discharge of a care order, and
  • Questions of harm or risk of harm form part of the overall welfare evaluation and thus the local authority does not have to re-prove threshold and the applicant does not have to demonstrate that it no longer applies.

Legal Aid and Funding

You may be eligible for legal aid, which is both means and merits-tested.

To Conclude

It is evident that there are a number of factors for parents to consider when applying to discharge a Care Order and much will turn on the individual circumstances of each case, but in these kinds of applications, one thing is clear – timing really can be everything. 

Need Further Assistance?

If you require advice about when you should apply to discharge a Care Order and whether your case has sufficient merit to obtain legal aid to be represented on an application, please contact the Child Care Department on 020 7228 0017.

We will also be able to advise you on legal aid eligibility and which documents would be required to make a legal aid application. The Child Care Department at Hanne & Co has a team of experienced solicitors who specialise in these matters and will be able to advise you based on the specific facts of your case.

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