Read More… from How important is consent in posthumous conception?
Divorce can be complicated, and if you’ve been through IVF there is another layer of complexity that comes into play: […]
Read More… from Deciding What Happens to IVF Embryos During Divorce
In financial remedy proceedings, assets are usually categorised as either matrimonial or non-matrimonial. As the starting point is the equal […]
Read More… from What distinguishes matrimonial vs non-matrimonial assets in divorce?
Schedule 1 of the Children Act 1989 looks at the types of orders that the court can make to safeguard the financial welfare of children. […]
Read More… from Understanding Schedule 1 of the Children Act 1989: Financial Support for Children
For separated parents, the question as to whether parental consent for child travel is needed to take a child on holiday is an important one. […]
Read More… from Do I need to get the other parent’s consent to take our child on holiday?
You are divorcing and have reached an agreement about how your assets should be divided. Is it okay just to walk away, or do you need a Clean Break Order? […]
Read More… from What is a clean break order on divorce and do I need one?