Category: LGBTQ+
Consent: When does a surrogate lack capacity to give it?
How important is consent in posthumous conception?
Co-Parenting in Multi-Parent Families: Navigating Legal and Practical Challenges
Deciding What Happens to IVF Embryos During Divorce
Divorce can be complicated, and if you’ve been through IVF there is another layer of complexity that comes into play: […]
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Can I get a divorce if I am in a civil partnership?
This article looks at the process of dissolving a civil partnership, highlighting key steps and changes in the law after April 6, 2022. […]
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What is a Gender Recognition Certificate?
A Gender Recognition Certificate (‘GRC’) is the document that you need for your acquired gender to be legally recognised in the UK. […]
Considering where family law has got to in respect of polyamorous relationships
Maisie Lockyer explores the unique difficulties faced in polyamory in relation to family law and the solutions for limiting these. […]
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Building families through surrogacy: the new pathway to legal parenthood
Following the review commissioned by the government, The Law Commission of England and Wales has today published its joint report with the Scottish Law Commission, outlining new proposals to reform UK surrogacy laws, which will work better for children, surrogates and intended parents. Their recommendations are accompanied by draft legislation.
Family lawyer Hazel Kent has provided an overview of the report and the key recommendations below. […]
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UK Surrogacy Laws 2023: are they going to change for the better?
The long-awaited Law Commission’s final proposals for reform of surrogacy laws 2023 in the UK. Are they going to change for the better? […]
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