Child Care Lawyers
We are one of the largest child care teams in London and our specialist lawyers are leaders in their field. We advise in all cases where social services are involved with children.
How can we help?
Specialist Child Care Lawyers
Our London child care solicitors advise and represent parents and other family members and can provide advice even before court proceedings start.
We recognise how stressful it can be for all parents and family members involved in proceedings regarding their children. Our specialist child care solicitors provide high quality advice, support, and representation in the most difficult and complex cases.
How can our child care solicitors help you?
We have specialist accredited Law Society Children Panel lawyers who also represent children and Children’s Guardians in both proceedings brought by social services and in private disputes between parents where the court has directed that the children should be separately represented.
Legal aid is automatically available to all parents where social services apply for care and supervision orders and within the pre-proceedings PLO process. Legal aid may be available in other circumstances too and your solicitor will be able to confirm whether this applies to you. We offer competitive rates for those not eligible for legal aid.