Professional Negligence
The expectation when you instruct a professional such as an accountant, architect, barrister, estate agent, surveyor and yes, a solicitor, is that you will be represented and advised to a certain standard with a duty of care owed to you. Professionals do fall below the line sometimes and their failures can lead to the possibility of pursuing action for professional negligence.
On the other hand, professionals are sometimes blamed unfairly for things that have gone wrong having done what they reasonably could in accordance with the objective standard.
How can we help?
At Hanne & Co, we are here to speak with you if you have suffered a loss resulting from the negligence of a professional, or if you are a professional defending a claim made against you. We know how to assess the merits of a potential claim, apply the facts to the relevant legal principles and run claims in accordance with the Pre-Action Protocol for Professional Negligence.
We are frequently able to initially commence work on a fixed-fee basis and advise early as to prospects, so that the correct approach to the professional negligence dispute can be taken before court action emerges on the horizon.
Get in touch with us today to discuss your options.